Furnished Apartment living with your pets

Moving to your furnished apartment home can be stressful on your pets, but there are many things you can do to make the process as painless as possible.  At Avenida Suites, we welcome pets at most of our furnished apartment communities and know that they will feel right at home!  Here are a few tips for you to help ease the transition whether you are relocating on a permanent move, a temporary job assignment, or even a long vacation.

Keep at least one week’s worth of food and medication with you during your arrival to your furnished apartment in case of an emergency. Vets can’t write a prescription without a prior doctor or patient relationship, which can cause delays if you need medication right away. You may want to ask for an extra prescription refill before you move to your furnished apartment as well. The same preparation should be taken with special therapeutic foods. You should purchase an extra supply in case you can’t find their brand of food right away in your new area.

Pets can feel vulnerable in the transition to your furnished apartment. Using a travel crate can help make them feel secure. There are many light, collapsible travel crates on the market, however, make sure your pet is familiar with the new crate before leaving them in your furnished apartment by gradually introducing him or her to the crate before your move.

When traveling by air, check with the airline about any pet requirements or restrictions to be sure you’ve prepared your pet for a safe trip. Some airlines will allow pets in the cabin, depending on the animal’s size, but you’ll need to purchase a special airline crate that fits under the seat in front of you. If traveling is stressful for your pet, consult your veterinarian about ways that might lessen the stress of travel.

Pets may be frightened and confused in new surroundings at your furnished apartment. Upon your arrival at your furnished apartment, immediately set out all the familiar and necessary things your pet will need: food, water, medications, bed, litter box, toys, etc. Keep all external windows and doors closed when your pet is unsupervised, and be cautious of narrow gaps behind or between appliances where nervous pets may try to hide.

Once you find a new veterinarian, ask if there are any local health concerns such as heartworm or Lyme disease, or any vaccinations or medications your pet may require. Also, be aware of any unique laws. For example, there are restrictive breed laws in some cities. Some furnished apartments may also have restrictions; following the apartment community’s pet guidelines are important.

These are just a few of the things you could do to make your pet feel more at ease with traveling. You can always contact the Agriculture Department for more specific information or rules and procedures to traveling with pets. Happy Travels to your furnished apartment, and remember that Avenida Suites is a pet friendly provider of furnished apartments across the United States and most countries in Latin America.  Contact us today by calling 800-303-0190, or fill out our request form and someone will contact you.


Source: Pet Realty Network